How to use the platform

Digital C19-YRS can be used in a number of ways to digitally streamline clinical practice in primary, secondary, or community practice, or for use in research alongside or independent of clinical care.

Digital self-management support

  • Provide low-risk patients with resources for their condition
  • Access generic support resources and information
  • Remotely configure support resources for individual patients
  • Waiting list support
  • Improve patient experience on waiting lists and in-between appointments
  • Enable self-referrals from patients in your local area
  • Signpost to other services or support groups

Assessment and triage

  • Configure bespoke screening assessments for one or more condition
  • Contact patients directly via the app
  • Register patients direct or enable self-referrals to different services
  • Reduce waiting times, scale up referrals, manage demand
  • Improve patient experience on waiting lists and in-between appointments

Full system

  • Access to full system functionality
  • Access to the full suite of PROMs
  • Routine monitoring and post-discharge monitoring
  • Automated follow-up reminders
  • Service reporting tools
  • Design bespoke questionnaires
  • Configure resources for different services
  • Manage multiple services and patient groups under one roof

For more information on pricing, contact:

As a primary care management tool

The platform can help to alleviate pressures in primary care associated with initial screenings, onwards referrals and the general management of low-risk patients at home, that don’t need further support in hospital or from specialist services. 

Local GPs or GP federations can customise the user experience by adding resources and help signpost patients to local services available on their area.

General practitioners can refer patients or enable self-referrals to the app depending on the local service’s desired system configuration and access to certain features.

In specialist services

Digital C19-YRS was initially created as a support platform for specialist Long Covid services which can now be used across a range of services from rheumatology, mental health, chronic fatigue, post-viral syndrome and general long-term conditions or persistent symptom support services.

Patients can either be referred to the app by the clinical team or self-refer directly to the app if enabled by the clinic. 

Patients can access pre-configured screening assessments and support resources tailored for specific services whilst waiting for their initial triage or follow-up appointment.

An common standard operating procedure for a Long Covid service is illustrated below.